web content

Screenshots of website content that I produced specifically for use online, but which, when promoting consumer products, often ended up being recycled for use in physical catalogs as well.

Except for the Santa thing! That was just simple stand-alone fun that happily ended up generating a lot of unexpected interest.

Two samples from the Access East website, which I initiated from the ground up with a regional, template-based web-design company in 2018, supplying all content. I now now maintain the site, except for addressing major structural or hosting concerns.

In the above example (with the two panels drawn from one continuous page, and cropped from a much lengthier page), I designed the graphic and drove all across eastern North Carolina to get the supporting photos.
Above, the header I created for the Access East ACA Marketplace Navigators Facebook page; at right, a popular post I placed on the Access East Facebook page, April 2023.

All writing content in the above examples is mine, dating to about 2009-10.

The Original Pawleys Island Rope Hammock content became a staple in the brand’s physical catalog for years.

The Real Deal Brazil content still remains online today, with the cigar-chomping photo of me also still there as well.

Four samples of content written 2010-11 for HammockSource brands the Original Pawleys Island Rope Hammock and Hatteras Hammocks; on last check, all of these blurbs can still be found on their respective websites.

The first time you play Santa on the job will inevitably not be the last! The little self-made video is from my time handling public relations for the Real Deal Brazil brand.