Da road to power be littered wid da bones of da bogus

So I was not even aware that Mike “Obviously the Voters Are Sick of Me” Huckabee had bailed two days ago on his second abysmal slog at ensnaring the American electorate in his angry-white-man web of proselytizing pablum. And now, alas, Rick Santorum, God and Google’s own smudge of wet fecal ick, has himself left nothing, um, behind him but his own foul skidmark of self-righteous effluvium, flushed off to wherever bad odors go to die.

Alas, that this world of retreating arctic ice and how-did-that-black-man-get-in-power? seems suddenly so very much smaller. Oh, my bailed-out bubblehead boys, you deluded devil doofuses, ye self-aggrandizing Bible-thumping boobs!

Who is left now to squawk at us, against all evidence, good sense and simple reason, of publicly funded hacked-harvested dead-baby parts being auctioned off to the highest horrible bidder? Who will make us believe in personal failure as a legitimate right of passage, the preferred path to power? There is only that horrorshow corporate unsuccess-nik Carly Fiorina to carry forth such damn-fool narratives, and it is just too much, methinks, for one parrot-throated buffoon.

Too much, I say! Too much!

OK, enough of this childish riffing on my part. Truth:

Good riddance to terrible rubbish.

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  1. The Reverend Doctor (as I'm known to various academic publishers) Joe Damn Rayle

    A line from Mencken comes to mind: “(The Democrats) fell upon Prohibition with raucous hosannas, gave it a dreadful beating and then chased it back to the Bible swamps whence it came.” I like the image of these cheap hustlers sent packing, and, dear Lord, I wish I could have come up with ‘Bible swamp.’ I truly want to bring the term ‘mountebank’ back into general usage; if ever there was a group of people to whom this applied….

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