It is Monday. And I am, as I’ve mentioned, attempting to meditate a little now every day, so that my Type A head doesn’t explode like something straight out of an old B horror movie. I am leaning in the Buddhist direction of meditation practice, though mostly just tipping over a lot, stranded then in my own head like a turtle that had the bad luck to step off a curb, only to tumble onto its back into oncoming traffic.
Part of this whole meditation thing, as I understand it, means learning to forgive oneself for being a bonehead, which means I have my work cut out for me, even on my best days. By extension, it also involves offering forgiveness to others, part of an overall embrace of compassion.
And I am trying hard here, people. I am trying. So, here goes:
I forgive you, Monday. For being Monday.
So, am I a better person yet?
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