It’s Friday, and I managed to dodge the strafing gunfire from the fighter jets flying low above the cityscape horizon, as I made my way into work this morning. The guy in the SUV in front of me, not so lucky, and only my keen driving skills kept me from colliding with the flaming heap …
It is Wednesday, one of those weekdays that started off the same as ever, feet to floor, then chore after chore, in my morning march to be out the front door, etc. Yet almost immediately, things began careening off the rails. By an hour into it, I was already running 20 minutes behind, increasingly addled, …
It is Thursday. And it is Friday. And it is Thursday. And it is Friday. So much confusion, with just the day alone! And so, the quest for enlightenment, today, as every day, but obviously even more fundamental in the midst of this workweek calendar conundrum. Thus, to the mental carnival of unquiet that is …
It is Monday, the start of a holiday week ending in flash and bang and a weird mix of chest-thumping strut and standing around in the driveway with friends getting lit-up on ice-cold fizzy stuff masquerading as beer. And I will be out there doing the July 4 driveway dance myself, minus the faux suds …
It is Monday. And I am, as I’ve mentioned, attempting to meditate a little now every day, so that my Type A head doesn’t explode like something straight out of an old B horror movie. I am leaning in the Buddhist direction of meditation practice, though mostly just tipping over a lot, stranded then in …
It is Tuesday, and I attempted, this morning, a short meditation session; we Type-A fools and our trying to have our heads not explode, etc. So I’m sitting, not remotely in a lotus position, just cross-legged, my back up against the front of the couch. And I’m lousy yet for meditation, with all the thoughts just …
It is Thursday, and earlier, I was reminded of when I lived in Elizabeth City, and was visiting the home of a family who had a pet monkey. This was for a story for a small magazine put out by The Virginian-Pilot newspaper, then my employer. I showed up for the interview in slacks, dress …
It is Friday, and since most of this week’s affirmations have been about coffee, in one way or another, why buck a good trend? So today, leaving the house early with the plan to get, yes, coffee (dark roast redeye, largest size) on my way into work, I pull into the car line at a …
It is Thursday. And a friend just told me that when she was handed her morning coffee through a local fast-food restaurant drive-through window, the guy inside yelled to her before she could drive off, so he could give her a plastic spoon. In case, he said, there was anything in the bottom of her …
It is Wednesday. I left my lunch at home, where it continues to sit, even as my stomach is starting to vocally remember the snack I packed, for naught. Then I dropped most of my very tasty large redeye dark roast coffee, picked up on my way in, creating a massive caffeinated puddle on the …