It is Monday, the start of a holiday week ending in flash and bang and a weird mix of chest-thumping strut and standing around in the driveway with friends getting lit-up on ice-cold fizzy stuff masquerading as beer. And I will be out there doing the July 4 driveway dance myself, minus the faux suds …
Month: June 2014
It is Monday. And I am, as I’ve mentioned, attempting to meditate a little now every day, so that my Type A head doesn’t explode like something straight out of an old B horror movie. I am leaning in the Buddhist direction of meditation practice, though mostly just tipping over a lot, stranded then in …
It is Tuesday, and I attempted, this morning, a short meditation session; we Type-A fools and our trying to have our heads not explode, etc. So I’m sitting, not remotely in a lotus position, just cross-legged, my back up against the front of the couch. And I’m lousy yet for meditation, with all the thoughts just …
It is Thursday, and earlier, I was reminded of when I lived in Elizabeth City, and was visiting the home of a family who had a pet monkey. This was for a story for a small magazine put out by The Virginian-Pilot newspaper, then my employer. I showed up for the interview in slacks, dress …